Ham Radio Contest Schedule

April 17, 2019
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  • ARRL Contest Calendar - Comprehensive ARRL contest calendar, includes rules sopbox web reports and QST results. Contest Corral include non-ARRL contests schedule for coming months.

[ Hits: 1849 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00 ]

  • DL2NBY Contest Calendar - This site provides dates and rules of nearly 400 Amateur Radio HF contests. Based on google calendar system, offer the possibilty to integrate calendar events in your google calendar too.

[ Hits: 782 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10.00 ]

  • DR2W Contest Calendar - dr2w.de offers a special contest calendar with information about contests for offline usage. It is the only one made in this form.

[ Hits: 116 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1.00 ]

  • HB9DHG Contest calendar - Yearly contest calendar with links to rules and contest results. Contest information is validated and checked.

[ Hits: 848 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0.00 ]

  • HF Digital Contest Calendar - Monthly Digital Contest Calendar, this site offer a list of scheduled ham radio digital modes contests.

[ Hits: 487 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 1.67 ]

  • Monthly QRP contest calendar - QRP Contest Calendar All contest have QRP Categories by N3EPA but no more updated since 2011.

[ Hits: 632 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.00 ]

  • RTTY Contests - An RTTY only contest calendar, which includes scores and rules and records of recent and upcoming RTTY contests.

[ Hits: 531 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10.00 ]

  • SM3CER Contest Calendar - SM3CER Contest Service is one of the most up-to-date and complete contest calendar available online since the early internet era, it offers monthly constest calendar with rules links and results

[ Hits: 13457 | Votes: 695 | Rating: 7.74 ]

  • VHF UHF Contest Calendar - European VHF UHF Contest calendar by G4ZTR

[ Hits: 299 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0.00 ]

  • WA7BNM Contest Calendar pop - Complete listing of upcoming ham radio contests, including rule summaries of this week's contests. You can even subscribe to his email service or subscribe to rss feeds.
Source: www.dxzone.com

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