Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio question pool

Amateur Radio question pool

January 9, 2020
Amateur Question Pools The Question Pools are developed and maintained by the Question Pool Committee (QPC) of the NCVEC by FCC instruction…

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Amateur Radio Society

Amateur Radio Society

December 10, 2019
Basic Info About us The Amateur Radio Society Exists to promote skills in the area of electronic communications and to build connections…

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Arduino Amateur Radio

Arduino Amateur Radio

November 10, 2019
Arduino Microcontroller Projects You Can Build Today! The Arduino has become widely popular among hobbyists and ham radio operators…

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Amateur Radio Testing

Amateur Radio Testing

October 31, 2019
Louisville Area Amateur Radio Testing Sessions What Do I Need to Take the Exam? Your Testing Fee - Exact Amount - Cash Only A Valid…

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Philippine Amateur Radio

Philippine Amateur Radio

October 11, 2019
In the devastating aftermath of what some weather experts are calling the most severe typhoon ever, Philippine Amateur Radio volunteers…

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FCC Amateur Radio

FCC Amateur Radio

August 22, 2019
Amateur radio complaints should be as specific as possible, citing dates, times, and frequencies on which alleged violations occurred…

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Amateur Radio Awards

Amateur Radio Awards

August 2, 2019
Requirements In recognition of international two-way amateur radio communication, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) issues…

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Amateur Radio headphones

Amateur Radio headphones

July 6, 2019
To assist you with selecting the RIGHT HEADSET for YOUR APPLICATION, we build three primary categories of headsets. Listen-Only Headsets…

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Amateur Radio antenna mast

Amateur Radio antenna mast

May 7, 2019
Penninger Radio – Company Summary Penninger Radio is an American manufacturer of portable masts and permanent pole towers for erecting…

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Amateur Radio Emergency

Amateur Radio Emergency

April 27, 2019
You hope it never happens, but what if worse comes to worst? All emergencies are different, of course, so a step-by-step procedure…

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Amateur Radio Newsline

Amateur Radio Newsline

December 20, 2018
A well-known voice in the Amateur Radio news media has gone silent. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, of Santa Clarita, California, died June…

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Japanese Amateur Radio

Japanese Amateur Radio

November 10, 2018
Up to now, the Japanese big boys such as Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu have pretty well dominated the amateur radio market, but the Chinese…

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Radio Amateurs of Canada

Radio Amateurs of Canada

June 13, 2018
Larry Price, W4RA, a President Emeritus of the ARRL and of the International Amateur Radio Union ( IARU ), has been appointed as the…

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Austin Amateur Radio Club

Austin Amateur Radio Club

June 3, 2018
Austin DSTAR Information Page Austin DSTAR W5KA Repeater The Austin Amateur Radio Club s D-Star Repeater is operational on 146 MHz…

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Amateur Radio Satellite tracking

Amateur Radio Satellite tracking

May 24, 2018
INTELSAT ROLLS OUT EPIC NEXT-GEN SATELLITE SYSTEM - The high-throughput platform should provide customers with superior connections…

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Amateur Radio Reviews

Amateur Radio Reviews

April 24, 2018
My initial review of the original Baofeng UV-5R has been a while ago. Two problems (lowest possible volume and being off-frequency…

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Amateur Radio Handheld

Amateur Radio Handheld

March 15, 2018
You may have heard about amateur or “ham” radio from a friend or maybe one of the members in your Makerspace is a ham. What is ham…

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Amateur Radio headset

Amateur Radio headset

August 3, 2014
Radiosport Headsets Headsets with quality and features to last a lifetime. radiosport headsets are built around our experience of more…

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