Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio images

Amateur Radio images

October 31, 2022
The ultimate goal of the PhoneSat mission was to determine whether a consumer-grade smartphone can be used as the main flight avionics…

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Japan Amateur Radio

Japan Amateur Radio

October 28, 2022
Read complete details of the Special TIARA Event Project 30 Years Anniversary (STEP 30) on the special event web site. 8J1JAUS will…

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Amateur Radio Frequency bands

Amateur Radio Frequency bands

October 26, 2022
High frequency ( HF ) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) between 3 and 30…

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Amateur Radio Clubs

Amateur Radio Clubs

October 25, 2022
Wayne Overbeck, N6NB, teamed up with W6IT to set new world distance records on 2.3 and 3.4 GHz this past summer. This talk describes…

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Amateur Radio Repairs

Amateur Radio Repairs

October 20, 2022
This Group is for those interested in or performing repairs and legal modifications to Amateur Radio equipment, and to seek answers…

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ABC of Amateur Radio

ABC of Amateur Radio

October 11, 2022
Pilots of the airwaves - ham radio in Perth When you think of the many social media networks available in the modern age, ham radio…

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Amateur Radio Scanner

Amateur Radio Scanner

October 7, 2022
Amateur radio scanners are commonly called police scanners. A scanner is capable of receiving multiple transmissions from almost any…

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Foundation for Amateur Radio

Foundation for Amateur Radio

September 28, 2022
The Foundation for Amateur Radio Inc ( FAR ) invites applications for the 2016-2017 academic year for the 46 scholarships it administers…

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Amateur Radio License Renewal Form

Amateur Radio License Renewal Form

September 28, 2022
The NCVEC Form 605 must be sent to the ARRL VEC. If sent directly to the FCC, it will be rejected. The ARRL charges a fee to process…

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Halifax Amateur Radio Club

Halifax Amateur Radio Club

September 21, 2022
Are you interested in becoming a Ham radio operator, or just want to know what Ham radio (Amateur Radio) is all about? The following…

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Amateur Radio Classes

Amateur Radio Classes

September 14, 2022
We teach classes to help you get your Amateur Radio License from the FCC. The focus in class is getting you the information to pass…

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Radio Amateurs Handbook

Radio Amateurs Handbook

September 8, 2022
Congratulations on your purchase of the 2015 ARRL Handbook. This 92nd edition of the book continues the technical traditions of Amateur…

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Norfolk Amateur Radio

Norfolk Amateur Radio

September 7, 2022
The Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is an organization dedicated to those with interests in Amateur Radio. We have a wide area coverage…

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Amateur Radio Antennas

Amateur Radio Antennas

July 22, 2022
Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for Colorado hams, as Gov John Hickenlooper signed into law an Amateur Radio antenna bill…

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Amateur Radio spectrum

Amateur Radio spectrum

June 16, 2022
Spectrum at 2.3 and 3.4 GHz that once was allocated to Amateur Radio is going on the auction block in the UK. Telecommunications regulatory…

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Amateur Radio Digital Communications

Amateur Radio Digital Communications

June 6, 2022
Yaesu thinks the future of ham radio is digital, and of course, that amateurs should adopt its digital mode (C4FM) over Icom’s (D-STAR)…

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Boulder Amateur Radio Club

Boulder Amateur Radio Club

June 2, 2022
Monthly Newsletter is the award-winning newsletter that is published monthly to keep the membership informed as to our many activities…

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Amateur Radio Astronomers

Amateur Radio Astronomers

June 2, 2022
The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers has voted to appropriate $6, in support of student and teacher grants for projects in the…

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